Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Essink's

Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls.... oh to take pictures of girls! Having a little boy I'm used to boy things (tractors, trucks, motor sounds and just plain running around). But let me tell you... hair bows and sparkly shoes, ribbons and bows and Justin Bieber? Oh yes... I said Justin Bieber. Maybe I will just stick with my little boy (thankfully he hasn't started to talk yet so I won't here him say Selena Gomez). I haven't laughed so hard as I did when Miss "G" who is 4 yelled out Justin Bieber when I asked her to say something that would make her smile. I was ready for her to say "Baby E" her little sister, daddy... or even cupcakes. Perhaps that is why the look on Brent's face a few pictures down is priceless - I'm not sure what Adrienne whispered... but I'm thinking she said "wait until they are 16!" Thanks Essink's for a fun evening... I had a blast!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Schmidt Family

This family is so special to me... I can't even describe it. If I had a sister.... I would hope it would be Rachelle. We can talk for hours, we often buy the same things (whether it is clothes or things for our house), we are both "city girls" who married farmers... and often times we think our husbands were separated at birth. I so appreciate Rachelle's wisdom, advice and caring nature and wish I could be as selfless as she is. I have loved watching their children grow up into young people... and they call our son their little brother. I just LOVE them!

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Tegtmeier's

What a fun fun family! I feel so lucky to have gotten to know Kim through our mom's group. Little did we both know that we had been praying for a friendship like this. Our families both farm so we completely get our sometimes "unique" lifestyle. Our husbands can talk shop... Kim and I both share a love of Kohl's and our 30% off coupons... and their kids are wonderful and adore having our little one around. What more can you ask for?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm celebrating the launch of Kathryn Katz Photography with an awesome Fall special...

I love partnering with friends! Take advantage of this deal by updating those family pictures or getting a jump start on those Christmas pictures and then to top it off... a really sweet deal from Devoted Designs. At this rate your Christmas cards might be addressed and stamped before Thanksgiving!

© Kathryn Katz
CoffeeShop Designs